udev_list_entry(3) - Linux manual page


UDEV_LIST_ENTRY(3)             udev_list_entry            UDEV_LIST_ENTRY(3)

NAME         top

       udev_list_entry, udev_list_entry_get_next,
       udev_list_entry_get_by_name, udev_list_entry_get_name,
       udev_list_entry_get_value - Iterate and access udev lists

SYNOPSIS         top

       #include <libudev.h>

       struct udev_list_entry
                                                        *udev_list_entry_get_next(struct udev_list_entry *list_entry);

       struct udev_list_entry
                                                           *udev_list_entry_get_by_name(struct udev_list_entry *list_entry,
                                                           const char *name);

       const char
                                            *udev_list_entry_get_name(struct udev_list_entry *list_entry);

       const char
                                             *udev_list_entry_get_value(struct udev_list_entry *list_entry);

RETURN VALUE         top

       On success, udev_list_entry_get_next() and
       udev_list_entry_get_by_name() return a pointer to the requested list
       entry. If no such entry can be found, or on failure, NULL is

       On success, udev_list_entry_get_name() and
       udev_list_entry_get_value() return a pointer to a constant string
       representing the requested value. The string is bound to the lifetime
       of the list entry itself. On failure, NULL is returned.

SEE ALSO         top

       udev_new(3), udev_device_new_from_syspath(3), udev_enumerate_new(3),
       udev_monitor_new_from_netlink(3), systemd(1),

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the systemd (systemd system and service manager)
       project.  Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd⟩.  If you have a bug
       report for this manual page, see
       ⟨http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/#bugreports⟩.  This
       page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨https://github.com/systemd/systemd.git⟩ on 2018-02-02.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the repos‐
       itory was 2018-02-02.)  If you discover any rendering problems in
       this HTML version of the page, or you believe there is a better or
       more up-to-date source for the page, or you have corrections or
       improvements to the information in this COLOPHON (which is not part
       of the original manual page), send a mail to man-pages@man7.org

systemd 234                                               UDEV_LIST_ENTRY(3)

Pages that refer to this page: libudev(3)udev_device_get_syspath(3)udev_device_has_tag(3)udev_device_new_from_syspath(3)udev_enumerate_add_match_subsystem(3)udev_enumerate_new(3)udev_enumerate_scan_devices(3)udev_monitor_filter_update(3)udev_monitor_new_from_netlink(3)udev_monitor_receive_device(3)systemd.directives(7)systemd.index(7)