git-imap-send(1) - Linux manual page


GIT-IMAP-SEND(1)                 Git Manual                 GIT-IMAP-SEND(1)

NAME         top

       git-imap-send - Send a collection of patches from stdin to an IMAP

SYNOPSIS         top

       git imap-send [-v] [-q] [--[no-]curl]

DESCRIPTION         top

       This command uploads a mailbox generated with git format-patch into
       an IMAP drafts folder. This allows patches to be sent as other email
       is when using mail clients that cannot read mailbox files directly.
       The command also works with any general mailbox in which emails have
       the fields "From", "Date", and "Subject" in that order.

       Typical usage is something like:

       git format-patch --signoff --stdout --attach origin | git imap-send

OPTIONS         top

       -v, --verbose
           Be verbose.

       -q, --quiet
           Be quiet.

           Use libcurl to communicate with the IMAP server, unless tunneling
           into it. Ignored if Git was built without the
           USE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND option set.

           Talk to the IMAP server using git’s own IMAP routines instead of
           using libcurl. Ignored if Git was built with the NO_OPENSSL
           option set.


       To use the tool, imap.folder and either imap.tunnel or must
       be set to appropriate values.

           The folder to drop the mails into, which is typically the Drafts
           folder. For example: "INBOX.Drafts", "INBOX/Drafts" or
           "[Gmail]/Drafts". Required.

           Command used to setup a tunnel to the IMAP server through which
           commands will be piped instead of using a direct network
           connection to the server. Required when is not set.
           A URL identifying the server. Use a imap:// prefix for non-secure
           connections and a imaps:// prefix for secure connections. Ignored
           when imap.tunnel is set, but required otherwise.

           The username to use when logging in to the server.

           The password to use when logging in to the server.

           An integer port number to connect to on the server. Defaults to
           143 for imap:// hosts and 993 for imaps:// hosts. Ignored when
           imap.tunnel is set.

           A boolean to enable/disable verification of the server
           certificate used by the SSL/TLS connection. Default is true.
           Ignored when imap.tunnel is set.

           A boolean to enable/disable the use of html encoding when sending
           a patch. An html encoded patch will be bracketed with <pre> and
           have a content type of text/html. Ironically, enabling this
           option causes Thunderbird to send the patch as a plain/text,
           format=fixed email. Default is false.

           Specify authenticate method for authentication with IMAP server.
           If Git was built with the NO_CURL option, or if your curl version
           is older than 7.34.0, or if you’re running git-imap-send with the
           --no-curl option, the only supported method is CRAM-MD5. If this
           is not set then git imap-send uses the basic IMAP plaintext LOGIN

       Using tunnel mode:

               folder = "INBOX.Drafts"
               tunnel = "ssh -q -C /usr/bin/imapd ./Maildir 2> /dev/null"

       Using direct mode:

               folder = "INBOX.Drafts"
               host = imap://
               user = bob
               pass = p4ssw0rd

       Using direct mode with SSL:

               folder = "INBOX.Drafts"
               host = imaps://
               user = bob
               pass = p4ssw0rd
               port = 123
               sslverify = false

EXAMPLE         top

       To submit patches using GMail’s IMAP interface, first, edit your
       ~/.gitconfig to specify your account settings:

                   folder = "[Gmail]/Drafts"
                   host = imaps://
                   user =
                   port = 993
                   sslverify = false

       You might need to instead use: folder = "[Google Mail]/Drafts" if you
       get an error that the "Folder doesn’t exist".

       Once the commits are ready to be sent, run the following command:

           $ git format-patch --cover-letter -M --stdout origin/master | git imap-send

       Just make sure to disable line wrapping in the email client (GMail’s
       web interface will wrap lines no matter what, so you need to use a
       real IMAP client).

CAUTION         top

       It is still your responsibility to make sure that the email message
       sent by your email program meets the standards of your project. Many
       projects do not like patches to be attached. Some mail agents will
       transform patches (e.g. wrap lines, send them as format=flowed) in
       ways that make them fail. You will get angry flames ridiculing you if
       you don’t check this.

       Thunderbird in particular is known to be problematic. Thunderbird
       users may wish to visit this web page for more information: 

SEE ALSO         top

       git-format-patch(1), git-send-email(1), mbox(5)

GIT         top

       Part of the git(1) suite

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the git (Git distributed version control system)
       project.  Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for this manual page,
       see ⟨⟩.  This page was obtained from the
       project's upstream Git repository ⟨⟩ on
       2018-02-02.  (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that
       was found in the repository was 2018-01-23.)  If you discover any
       rendering problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe
       there is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

Git           03/25/2015                 GIT-IMAP-SEND(1)

Pages that refer to this page: git(1)git-config(1)git-format-patch(1)git-send-email(1)