My Hobby


                                  My Hobby  readbook.gif (15712 bytes)

The following are personal collections of mine and generally speaking I would rather not lend them to others if they are genuine copies unless you have any academic interests in discussion of them.

My Collection of DVD (You can find more information about them in

1. <Lord of the Rings--the fellowship of the ring> ★★

2. <Lord of the Rings--the two towers> ★★

3. <Lord of the Rings--the return of the king> ★★

4. Stanley Kubrick's <2001: a space odyssey> ★★★ (classic masterpiece)

5. <The Terminator>  ★★★

6. <Terminator 2--Judgment Day> ★★★

7. <The Matrix> ★★★

8. <The Abyss> (special edition) ★★★

9. <Blade Runner> ★★

10. <Aliens> 

11. <Predator>  ★★

12. <Total Recall>  ★★

13. William Hurt in Frank Herbert's <Dune> (There is two edition and at beginning I bought the wrong one.)

14. <The Game>

15. <Pretty Woman> ★★

16. <Notting Hill> ★★

17. <Four Weddings and a Funeral> ★★

18. <Planet of the Apes>

19. <Amelie> (French) ★★

20. <Johnny English> 

21. Ben Elton's <The Thin Blue Line> ★★★★

22. Rowan Atkinson's <Black Adder 1> (Originally I planned to buy more and realized it is too hard to understand.)

23. <Saving Private Ryan>

24. <Johnny Mnemonic>

25. <The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen>

26. <Metro>

27. <Catch-22>

28. <Wall Street>

29. <Last Action Hero>

30. <Raw Deal>

31. <Just Cause>

32. <Star Troopers>

33. <1984>

34. <The Fugitive>

35. <Final Fantasy--The Spirits Within>

36. <The Principal>

37. <Patton>

38. <The Bounty>

39. <Men in Black II>

40. <Tango & Cash>

41. <The Running Man>

42. <A Fish Called Wanda>

43. <Brave Heart>

44. <High Lander>

45. <Jaws--The Revenge>

46. <A Mid Summer Night's Dream>

47. Jackie Chan's <My Lucky Stars>

48. Jackie Chan's <Heart of Dragon>

49. <Discovery Channel--Sorcerers & Wizards>

50. <Charlie's Angels--Full Throttle>

51. <Yes, Prime Minister> ★★★★★ (classic, sophisticated, funny, top class, most valuable collection)

The above are all bought here in Canada and they are all genuine ones. It maybe no big deal for others, but for me it is a like a kind of fortune of collection in sense of both physical value and spiritual value.

However, I cannot resist of temptation of pirate ones from China. The following are those bought in China.

1. <Forrest Gump> ★★

2. <Who framed Roger Rabbit>

3. <Enemy of the State>

4. <007--Tomorrow Never Dies>

5. <Mummy Returns>

6. <The Scorpion King>

7. <007--Golden Eye>

8. <Pirates of the Caribbean>

9. <Terminator 3--Rise of the Machines>

10. <Mystic River>

11. <Belly of the Beast>

12. <Pay Check>

13. <007---Die Another Day>

14. <Beverly Hills Cop I> ★★

15. <Beverly Hills Cop II> ★★

16. <Beverly Hills Cop III> ★★

17. <S.W.A.T.>

18. <Hulk>

19. <Tomb Raider--The Cradle of Life>

20. <Run Down>

21. <Besieged Fortress 1-10> (VCD in Chinese)  ★★ (1 genuine copy)

22. <Long March 1-24> (VCD in Chinese)  ★★ (2 genuine copy)

23. <Men in Black>

24. <Star Wars>

25. <Star Wars--the Empire Strikes Back>

26. <Star Wars--Return of the Jedi>

27. Jackie Chan's complete collections...(I am too lazy to count how many I got.)


My books all genuine even few of them are second-handed:

(Personally I refuse to use any copied book simply because I believe in that your attitude towards books would finally be reflected by the "attitude" towards you. That is, you don't treat them seriously, then they won't treat you seriously. Just imagine most of those books are collections of years of hardworking of most genuine men on Earth. Do I have the liberty to ignore them? It is like falling in love. You would probably not like to talk with a replica of human, even though you wouldn't mind of talking with a second-handed. No offence.)

a) my text books :

1. <Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications> 5th Kenneth H. Rosen comp238,comp239 ★★★★

2. <C++ How to Program> 3rd H.M. Deitel P.J. Deitel comp248, comp249

3. <Mathematical Statistics> 6th John E. Freund  stat249, stat250

4. <System Software> edited by Rajagopalan Jayakumar comp229

5. <Operating System Concepts> 6th Silberschatz Galvin Gagne  comp346

6. <Introduction to Automata Theory, Language, and Computation> 2nd John E. Hopcroft comp335

7. <An Introduction to Formal Language and Automata> 3rd Peter linz comp335

8. <Compiler Construction Principles and Practice> Kenneth C. Louden comp442

9. <Understanding Data Communications and Networks> 3rd William A.Shay comp445

10. <Introduction to Algorithms> 2nd Thomas H. Corman comp465

11. <Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach> 3rd John L. Hennessy comp326

12. <Artificial Intelligence> 4th George F Luger comp472

13. <Advanced Programming in Unix Environment> W. Richard Stevens comp444

14. <Database System, the Complete Book> Hector Garcia-Molina comp353, comp451

15. <Advanced Learner's English Dictionary> Collins Cobuild   engl206, engl207, engl212


b) my reference book:


51. <Oracle 8i, the Complete Reference> Kevin Loney

52. <Delphi 4, Developer's Guide> Steven Teixeira & Xavier Pacheco

53. <Cobol, Teach Yourself> 3rd Mo Budlong

54. <Red Hat Linux, the Complete Reference> Richard Petersen

55. <Windows NT 4 workstation> Sean Mathias

56. <Java for Students> 2nd Douglas Bell Mike Parr

57. <Thinking in Java> Bruce Eckel

58. <Java 1.2 in 21 days> Laura Lemay & Rogers Cadenhead

59. <Java Software Solutions> John Lewis William Loftus

60. <The Complete Reference NetWare 5> Bill Payne and Tom Sheldon

61. < Java 2, Programmer's Reference> Herbert Schildt

The above reference books are at courtesy of Mr. Zhu, my current landlord.

62. <Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0> Microsoft Press

63. <Distributed Applications with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0> Microsoft Press

64. <analyzing Requirements and Defining Solution Architectures> Microsoft Press

65. <Inside ISAPI> Kevin Clements

66. <C Unleashed> Richard Hearthfield "Sams"

The following are Chinese references:

70. <Delphi深度探索〉陈省

71. <Delphi 6/Kylix 2 SOAP/WEB Service程序设计篇〉李维

72. <Delphi 5.x 分布是多层应用电子商务篇〉李维

73. <Delphi COM深入编程〉Eric Harmon

74. <算法与数据结构〉第二版 傅清相

75. <21天学通C++> 3rd Jesse Liberty


c) my leisure and pleasure

90. <Battle of Wits> Stephen Budiansky

91. <Euclid's Window> Leonard Mlodinow

92. <Scientific Explanation> R.B. Braithwaite

93. <Fortress Beisieged>  Qian Zhongshu translated by Jeanne Kelly and Nathan K. Mao

94. <The Eagle Has Landed> Jack Higgins

95. <The Mystery of the Aleph, Mathematics, the Kabbalah, and the search for Infinity> Amir D.Aczel



My Favourite Show:

<Red Green Show>---If women don't find you handsome, at least they should find you handy.



      (probably the best political satire TV series in this world...)

The following video are all hosted in my personal web and the purpose of doing so is not encouraging violation of intellectual property law. Instead, it is to demonstrate to most people who have no chance to view or to be introduced with these magnificent program due to Chinese government Culture-Nazism.


<Yes, Prime Minister>

1. A.Conflict.of.Interest.avi

2. A.Diplomatic.Incident.avi

3. A.Real.Partnership.avi

4. A.Tangled.Web.avi

5. A.Victory.for.Democracy.avi

6. Man.Overboard.avi

7. Official.Secrets.avi

8. One.of.Us.avi

9. Party.Games.avi


11. The.Bishops.Gambit.avi

12. The.Grand.Design.avi

13. The.Key.avi

14. The.Ministerial.Broadcast.avi

15. The.National.Education.Service.avi

16. The.Patron.of.the.Arts.avi

17. The.Smoke.Screen.avi


<Yes, Minister>

1. The.Question.Of.Loyalty.avi


3. Doing.The.Honours.avi

4. Equal.Opportunities.avi

5. Jobs.for.the.boys.avi

6. Open.government.avi

7. The.Bed.Of.Nails.avi

8. The.Challenge.avi

9. The.Compassionate.Society.avi

10. The.Death.List.avi

11. The.Devil.You.Know.avi


13. The.Greasy.Pole.avi

14. The.Middle-Class.Rip-Off.avi

15. The.Moral.Dimension.avi

16. The.official.visit.avi

17. The.Quality.Of.Life.avi


19. The.Skeleton.In.The.Cupboard.avi

20. The.Whisky.Priest.avi

21. The.writing.on.the.wall.avi

我的心情是矛盾的,对于这两部我最心爱的英剧,我是坚决反对盗版的流传的,而且本人是购买了原装正版的全套DVD,一两百块美金对于很多人不过是一 两餐饭而已,可是对于当时还在靠政府的助学金为生的学生来说应该是相当困难的,如果不是非常真爱应该是很难做到的.但是,另一方面,对于这个人类的宝贵财 富大部分中国人是很难接触的,首先是伟光正的封锁,其次是相当高的语言要求,其中的对白是如此的经典也是如此的难懂,因此如果没有配合正确的台词,要准确 的理解欣赏是几乎不可能的.我看到过国内热心的字幕组的翻译,有些鉴于英语水平实在是不敢恭维.有时候在蹄笑皆非之余感到悲伤,对于大多数中国人完全不应 该由于语言的障碍而导致不能欣赏这些人类的宝贵财富,所以,我决定开放我的个人收藏,这些是我专门使用DVD rip工具把原版字幕保留下来的版本,如此的欣赏与学习可以真正的享受原汁原味的正版之余学习语言与智慧的艺术表演.

链接的组成是这样子的:  根目录/DVD名/文件名

比如如果DVD名是YesMinister, 文件名是NonExists.m4v,则链接是(这个是不工作的是防止机器人下载的例子而已):


第一张DVD: YesMinister
BigBrother.m4v          JonathanLynnInterview.m4v  TheChallenge.m4v             TheEconomyDrive.m4v       TheOfficialVisit.m4v      TheSkeletonInTheCupboard.m4v
DoingTheHonours.m4v     NigelHawthorne.m4v         TheCompassionateSociety.m4v  TheGreasyPole.m4v         TheQualityOfLife.m4v      TheWhiskyPriest.m4v
EqualOpportunities.m4v  OpenGovernment.m4v         TheDeathList.m4v             TheMiddleClassRipOff.m4v  TheQuestionOfLoyalty.m4v  TheWritingOnTheWall.m4v
JobsForTheBoys.m4v      TheBedOfNails.m4v          TheDevilYouKnow.m4v          TheMoralDimension.m4v     TheRightToKnow.m4v        YesMinister411.m4v

第二张DVD: YesPrimeMinister
AConflictOfInterests.m4v  FormerMinisterInterview.m4v  PartyGames.m4v              TheBishopsGambit.m4v         TheNationalEducationService.m4v
ADiplomaticIncident.m4v   ManOverBoard.m4v             PaulEddingtonInterview.m4v  TheGrandDesign.m4v           ThePatronOfTheArts.m4v
ARealPartnership.m4v      OfficialSecrets.m4v          PaulEddingtonProfile.m4v    TheKey.m4v                   TheSmokeScreen.m4v
AVictoryForDemocracy.m4v  OneOfUs.m4v                  PowerToThePeople.m4v        TheMinisterialBroadcast.m4v  TheTangledWeb.m4v


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